2. How did you get interested in writing this particular genre?A
Answer: I love history. For paranormal stories, writing about characters who have extraordinary abilities. There are no limits or boundaries to hinder your writing ideas, which is fabulous. I also enjoy writing in the contemporary romance category. I tread wherever my muse tells me to, so I wouldn’t be surprised to add a few more categories to my credits within the next few years.
3. What kind of research did you do for this series?
Answer: For Spartan Heart, I based my characters on the real lives of historical people and their documented events. I was able to mix their true life stories with fiction in order to make their experiences more colorful and in order to bring them back to life. I must admit it was quite fun. Dorien (Prince Dorieus) was the older brother of Spartan King Leonidas. Dorien’s men were in fact the Croton Philip (who was his best friend), and fellow Spartan warriors Thessalus, Celeas, and Paraebates. It is true that they all perished in battle in 510 B.C. in Heraclea Minoa (now Sicily) with Dorien. I decided to change their history and thought to myself: What would have happened if they didn’t truly die on that battlefield?
4. What's a typical working day like for you? When and where do you write? Do you set a daily writing goal?
Answer: I am a degreed paralegal (AAS), and work full time for an estate plan attorney. Working full-time takes a lot of my time away from writing, which makes me want to scream like a mad woman. Needless to say, it can be a battle sometimes for finding energy to write. This existence is a goal my husband and I are currently working on. Hopefully, within the next year or so, I can quit work outside the home and focus making writing from home my occupational venture. Being a full-time novelist would be a dream come true.
5. What is the hardest part of writing for you?
Answer: Finding the time to write. With my full-time work schedule outside of the home, I have to harness what’s left of my energy for writing. Right now, I have at least five stories that harass my mind day and night, but with limited time, I must ignore them for the time being. Right now everything is prioritization.
6. What’s the best thing about being an author?
Answer: The freedom of expression with my art. To just sit at my computer and write until I’m spent is my internal happy place. I could do this all day and it is not uncommon for one of my writing episodes to carry me into ten hours.
7. What are you working on now?
Answer: Finishing up edits for the next book in the Spartan Heart Saga, Spartan Surrender, which should be released by March 15th.
8. What advice would you give aspiring writers?
Answer: Don’t attempt self-publishing until you’ve earned experience with a small, independent pub or press. No matter how ready you believe you are, the experience and lessons you learn there are priceless; you earn your wings. And even then, always use a reliable editor before releasing your book.
9. Do you have any favorite authors or favorite books?
Answer: I am madly in love with “old school” authors. Kathleen E. Woodiwiss and Johanna Lindsey are among my top, most coveted favorites.
10. What question have you always wanted to be asked in an interview? How would you answer that question?
Answer: This is a very hard question. I’ll have to think on it.
11. If you were writing a book about your life, what would the title be?
Answer: How to survive the trauma of your crazed, biological family.
Flash Questions:
1) If you could trade places with a person for a single day, who would it be and why?
Answer: Stephenie Meyer, but only so I could pick her brain to learn the tricks and best methods of book marketing.
2) What was the last movie you saw?
Answer: Thor. *swoons* Enough said.
3) What is your biggest TV addiction?
Answer: Ghost Whisperer. I all but cried when I learned it was cancelled.
4) Guilty pleasure?
Answer: Desserts! I love them! Especially anything with frosting. *sigh*
5) Fruits or veggies?
Answer: Fruits
6) Favorite childhood toy?
Answer: My roller skates and Barbies.
7) What did you have for breakfast this morning?
Answer: Coffee with Crème Brulee creamer. I am quite naughty and do skip breakfast regularly.
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